A Journey of
Full Stack Web Development

Mission 2022

By the year of 2022, My targer is not only to become a Full Stack Web Developer but also ending with few months professional full stack web developer experiences! Regarding this, I'm fully working to enhance my skills in MERN Stack

Scroll down to explore more about me!

My Mission in 2022

January - February

I want to ended up february by finishing JavaScript from Learn With Sumit youtube channel. It contains more than 100 videos in the playlist. Also I'll finish JS DOM Series, Think in a JS Way, Modern JS, JS Tips and Tricks from his channel. Additionally, I'll finish Data Structure and Algorithms from Tamim Shahriar Subeen, C++ programming language from Anisul Islam's youtube channel!

March - April

March and April is the months for applying my theoritical knowledge about Data Structures and Algorithms. Also I'm planning to take 4 or 5 moc test for IELTS. I don't know whether I'll get an opportunity to study abroad or not but all I want is to take a seat for IELTS exam before August. I'll achieve what I need with the guidance of Allah! Nobody can drag me down!

May - June

Parallelly I'll continue my Web Development Mission. I'm a student of 5th batch at Programming Hero. Previously, I've completed Full Stack Web Development (MERN) from Bohubrihi. Also I've learned React Native for multiplatform mobile app development. I want to see myself in SCIC by the end of June 2022.

Most Popular Stack In 2022

MERN basically stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, NodeJS! All these framework works in JavaScript. So, knowing JavaScript only anybody can learn MERN stack without any hassle! Most importantly, tech big giants like Facebook use ReactJS for frontend. Basically they have invented this framework. In fact, Node.js is so popular, quite a few major business enterprises are well-acquainted with the software. LinkedIn, Netflix, Uber, Trello, PayPal, NASA, eBay, Medium, Groupon, Walmart, Mozilla, GoDaddy are using NodeJS right now!

My Targeted Projects
In The Mission of 2022

I'm planning to finish really some good projects in this year! Already I've cloned Airbnb website using ReactJS along with Redux only. Currently, I'm cloning Whatapp. In my wishlist, I have a lot of projects like cloning Amazon, Netflix, Spotify, Uber. In all these projects, I'll use MERN technology!

Any Suggestion? Send Me Here